1th International Conference on Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation- Introduction
Clear images and colors | Post date: 2019/01/20 | |
The process or phenomenon of global warming is an undesirable and unintended consequence of the fast development of human civilization in the second half of the 20th century, which endangers and threatens all aspects of the social and natural environment. The threat is so much that today the climate change risk is called as the "Mother of Threats".
Confronting and mitigating this widespread danger can be obtained only through the human ethics about environment. As human beings are responsible to respect the rights of other human beings, they are also responsible for their natural environment.
In the second half of the 20th Century, not respecting the original right of the environment caused the environment to lose its balance and cause all these problems. Now, in order to return to the previous stable conditions of the environment, there is no alternative except modifying human treatment with the environment and giving time to the environment for sustainable and balanced development.
Respecting ethics and the right of the environment is important from the point of view that any action that is taken is a serious and important action when a person accepts it as a personal moral duty; otherwise, it always tries to transpose it. While ethical acceptance comes from the depths of the mind and the human brain and is never forgotten.
It is not easy to create such an attitude in all humans, and there is a strong will and planned effort that can only be achieved through long-term rational trainings.
This important task is the essential mission of the climatologists who should try to inform community managers and community members about the consequences of the global warming. They should create and reinforce the moral responsibility of the society.
Awareness of managers and society in different ways, such as writing books and scientific papers, holding training courses, etc. is essential. One of these methods is holding of scientific conferences. Due to the participation of most classes of the society, decision makers, managers and professionals; exchanging ideas and enlightenment in these conferences can lead to better results.
One of the important missions of the scientific centers of excellences (www.cesaeh.khu.ac.ir) is increasing awareness among managers and people of the society. For this reason, the conference is trying to present and publish scientific articles and holding exhibitions and scientific workshops, directing people about the adverse consequences of climate change and defining and determining ways to adapt and mitigating them.
On the other hand, the most important requirement for this conference is the arid and semi-arid climate of Iran and the Middle East region, which is very fragile about climate change in comparison to other regions of the world.
According to the conducted researches in the Middle East, the region is very sensitive to climate change, due to its arid and fragile climate and the prevalence of numerous natural and anthropogenic hazards. Countries in the region and especially Iran, with a very old culture and civilization need to consider best solutions to reduce the impacts, to adapt and mitigate the emissions.
This conference can create a friendly atmosphere where scientists and climate scientists will come together to share innovative ideas which hopefully will result in practical and logical solutions to solve this universal problem.
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